Cite Media Holdings Group
A leading Chinese knowledge platform in Taiwan

As a market leader in the publishing industry in Taiwan, Cite has accumulated more than 35,000 titles published in nearly 40 brands. It publishes both printed and digital copies covering a wide range of topics including commerce, technology, lifestyle, humanity novel, new trends, travel, home, cosmetics & fashion, etc.
Cite is also a pioneer in the Chinese digital publishing industry in regard to the development of knowledge value chain and comprehensive services whether in reading, audio and personal offerings. With continued efforts in the exploration and integration of online and offline informative products, it provides readers with diversified as well as self-directed learning services that include digital books and publications reading APPs, video learning platforms and interactive websites.
Business Weekly
Business Weekly Editor
Cite Reading Graden
Cite Reading Club
Cite E-printing
Comic Star
Communication Components
Cool Trendy Life
Cube Press